Social Diversity
For careers in education, social work, and business, or to complement any of the liberal arts majors, we offer a 12-credit social diversity certificate. Learn more about the inequalities pervasive in contemporary society — and how you can make a difference — with a certificate in social diversity.
Study the Complexities of Social Structures
The social diversity certificate at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is an excellent choice for those interested in better understanding the inequalities experienced within our society today. Coursework will explore topics like race, class, gender, and sexualities and will take a close look at the institutions that cause these inequalities. In addition, students will learn how systems of privilege and oppression have been created and sustained.
Students graduate from the program with increased awareness of the real — but often invisible — causes of inequality and the knowledge needed to help make positive change. This insight is fundamental for all professionals, but especially for those who are interested in better serving the public in fields like healthcare, education, social services, and criminal justice.
Program Details
Blugold Stories
Curriculum within the social diversity certificate evaluates how social structures and institutions create and sustain systems of oppression and privilege. Through this work, you will examine power relations — such as those present within social class, gender, race, and sexuality — and learn to critically evaluate arguments regarding equity, diversity, and inclusivity.
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